Production Scheduling

Productivity buys strategy  -  reliability buys market share

Productivity is the currency of Strategy - direct your company’s energy and talents toward creating new opportunities while eliminating wasted time and resolving reoccurring problems. Being recognized as a reliable supplier has significant value in the marketplace, both to retain existing customers and to attract new customers. 

Does you Company experience any of the following symptoms?

Unreliable Due Date Performance; RM, WIP, FG Inventory too high; Longer than desired Lead Times; Frequent schedule changes? These symptoms create a climate of internal conflict between Sales and Operations and externally by straining the relationship between your company and your customers.

Constraints management with Drum Buffer Rope

Identify and systematically remove the operational Constraints. Even in well run operations there is significant room for improvement.  A 40% increase in freed capacity is not unusual – by breaking internal dependency, correctly recognizing and managing constraints and bottlenecks, stabilizing schedules and correctly sizing batches. Our clients have achieved the following significant results:

  • Lead Time Reduction of up to 50%
  • On Time Delivery Performance greater than 96%
  • Inventory reduction of up to 40%
  • Year-on-Year Average Sales Growth - Initial growth has been significantly higher than 20%
  • Net Profit increase from 30% to 100%.

We are able to customize a complete operational solution that will deliver significant value to your Company and your customers. Operational solutions lead directly to an ability to construct Sales and Marketing offers that result in a significant increase in Sales and financial performance.

Contact us for a risk free evaluation of your Operations.